The World Economic Forum, which is meeting in Davos, Switzerland, this week, has released a report proposing a model for achieving sustainable agriculture worldwide.




The report says, “To support the adoption of practices and sustain their implementation, a key source of financing should come from the monetization of the full value of all ecosystem services delivered by regenerative practices, including improved resilience and environmental outcomes like healthier soils, carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions avoidance, reduced freshwater use and pollution, and enhanced biodiversity.”

“In exchange for ecosystem services, all the actors that benefit from regenerative agriculture, including value chain participants (across crop rotations), lenders and insurers, and governments should provide financing. To support initial investments in farmers’ financial and technical support for multiple years before environmental outcomes are realized, additional capital must be aggregated from public and private sources, including catalytic, concessional and long-term investment.”

Post time: Jan-19-2024