On June 30, the Banan District Agricultural and Rural Committee held a training meeting on pesticide dealers laws and regulations and green pest control technology in Nanpeng Subdistrict. Directors of 22 town street agricultural service centers in the district, legal persons or technical personnel such as pesticide distributors, pesticide wholesalers, and plant protection professional service organizations in the district, committee and law section, committee safety section, district agricultural comprehensive administrative law enforcement detachment, district agricultural technology A total of more than 180 people attended the meeting, including the person in charge of the station and related technical personnel, and representatives of production and sales enterprises of green prevention and control products. The meeting was chaired by Xu Wenhuai, deputy director of the District Agriculture and Rural Committee. Banan District TV station followed the report throughout.

At the meeting, Xu Jing, the head of the district agricultural technology station, trained the pesticide distributors and wholesalers in the district from the following aspects. First, the “Pesticide Management Regulations” were interpreted in detail from the perspectives of the pesticide operation licensing system, the establishment of procurement and sales accounts, the identification of fake pesticides, the identification of inferior pesticides, and legal responsibilities. The second is to explain the recycling and management model of pesticide packaging wastes in Banan District and the regulations on the recycling of pesticide packaging wastes in the Law of Soil Pollution Prevention and Control. The third is a detailed interpretation of the purpose of formulating the regulations, the definition of crop diseases and insect pests in the regulations, the guidelines for the prevention and control of crop diseases and insect pests, the responsibilities of governments and agricultural operators at all levels, the crop disease and insect pests monitoring and forecasting system and the prevention and control system, emergency response requirements, and professional services. The Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Crop Diseases and Insect Pests. The fourth is to explain in detail the operating rules for the safe use of pesticides. Fifth, training on pesticide reduction actions and green prevention and control techniques for crop diseases and insect pests. The sixth is to explain the monitoring, identification and prevention and control of Spodoptera frugiperda. Seventh, the recent occurrence of rice borer, rice planthopper, and rice roll borer and control agents were reported.

At the same time, more than 150 copies of the “List of Pesticides Prohibited by the State” were printed and distributed on the training site on “clear paper”. More than 150 posters for monitoring and control of Spodoptera frugiperda were distributed on site. Representatives of 8 production and sales enterprises of green prevention and control products, including Beijing Ecoman Biotechnology Co., Ltd., demonstrated green prevention and control products and technologies of crop diseases and insect pests to pesticide distributors and pesticide wholesalers in towns and streets.

Finally, Xu Wenhuai, deputy director of the District Agriculture and Rural Committee emphasized: First, adjust the thinking and change the business philosophy. The correctness of the business philosophy directly affects the business results and effects. The second is to strengthen the study of technology, laws and regulations. Make the transition from a simple pesticide operator to an agricultural safety production expert who knows the technology and is familiar with the business. The third is to operate in accordance with the law and abide by the law. Pesticide units must operate in good faith, consciously abide by and take the lead in implementing the “Pesticide Management Regulations”, “Crop Diseases and Insect Pest Control Regulations” and other relevant laws and regulations, do a good job of pesticide procurement, sales and other accounts, and do not sell fake drugs and inferior drugs . The fourth is to provide good service. Pesticide distributors and pesticide wholesalers in various towns and streets should do a good job of serving the agricultural production, rural revitalization and agricultural producers in the whole district to ensure the quality and safety of grain production and agricultural products in our district. Fifth, it is necessary to effectively monitor and control major pests and diseases such as Spodoptera frugiperda and other crops, and make every effort to ensure that we win the tough battle.

Post time: Jul-17-2020