Mode of action Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action. Uses Control of many fungi, particularly Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes, e.g. Podosphaera leucotricha and Venturia inaequalis on apples, Guignardia bidwellii and Uncinula necator on vines, Hemileia vastatrix on coffee, and Cercospora spp. on peanuts, at 15-250 g/ha. Also used on bananas, cucurbits, peppers and other crops. Phytotoxicity Non-phytotoxic when used as directed. Some injury noted on McIntosh apples. Formulation types OL; SC; SG. Selected products: ‘Anvil’ (fruit) (Syngenta); ‘Planete’ (cereals) (Syngenta); ‘Canvil’ (Vapco); ‘Contaf’ (Rallis); ‘Elexa’ (Cequisa); ‘Force’ (Devidayal); mixtures: ‘Columbia’ (+ fenpropidin) (Syngenta)
Oral Acute oral LD50 for male rats 2189, female rats 6071 mg/kg. Skin and eye Acute percutaneous LD50 for rats >2000 mg/kg. Mild irritant to eyes; non-irritating to skin (rabbits). Moderate skin sensitiser (guinea pigs). Inhalation LC50 (4 h) for rats >5.9 mg/l. NOEL NOAEL (2 y) for rats 10 mg/kg diet; NOAEL (2 y) for mice 40 mg/kg diet. ADI (JMPR) 0.005 mg/kg b.w. [1990]. Other Non-mutagenic. Toxicity class WHO (a.i.) U; EPA (formulation) IV EC classification Xn; R22| R43| N; R51, R53